The Benefits of Performing Arts

Posted by Josie Parker

MEPA Academy - The Benefits of Performing Arts

At MEPA Academy we understand the many benefits of Performing Arts. But, if you’re looking to enroll your child into our Independent School, this article gives a better idea of why you should choose a school that caters to your child’s academic studies as well as vocational training.

Social connection

A study conducted on the benefits of Performing Arts, provides evidence that

The arts have been found to foster prosocial behaviour, a shared sense of success, physical coordination, shared attention, shared motivation and group identity...
Clift, S. (2020)

In every performing arts class, students learn how to work as part of a team, developing trust and forming bonds with likeminded individuals. Within in music specifically, studies have demonstrated faster social bonding than with other social activities as within both small and large groups you work as a synchronised team to create something beautiful, and the same can be said for dance too!

Where acting is concerned students learn how to have their voice heard whilst also giving space to others to speak teaching them valuable skills in self-confidence as well as consideration for their fellow students as they learn/grow throughout their individual journeys.

Many people who have taken part in the performing arts before may often reminisce on their fond memories from their classes, the friends they made and the lessons they learnt along the way, as you not only learn the steps to a routine, or the lyrics to a song, but a plethora of life skills too.

The comradery felt between performers as they embark on rehearsals all the way through to the shows, competitions and such like, is second to none as they work together as team and each play their part in the final outcome.


Our Academy students follow a timetable that caters to both their academic studies as well as their vocational training. They train in multiple dance styles such as ballet, tap, street, jazz in addition to acting and singing. All students, no matter where their passions lie, will have the opportunity to grow and strive for better in whatever style or discipline they choose.

The Performing Arts are a great form of self-expression as students explore emotions through each of the disciplines. In all our classes, they are encouraged to harness their emotions and energies, focusing them on objectives, whether this be self-improvement as they are supported by teachers in their progression, or external objectives such as competitions, performances or auditions.

In a world where the creative arts have often been undervalued, we feel it is important to provide a space that encourages and nurtures those who seek to delve deeper into the world of Performing Arts.

As stated in a report written by UCL on the role of the arts during the COVID-19 pandemic,

The sudden closure of venues and cancellation of events in March 2020 effectively halted arts and cultural engagement across the UK as we knew it.
Bradbury, A et al. (2021)

Jobs were lost and little support was provided from the government meanwhile however, the world then saw an increase in people partaking in a variety of art forms as it was (and has always been) a great form of self-expression and even a form of therapy. During the pandemic we - as many schools did - provided online classes so that children were still able to take part in the activities they enjoyed.

It provided not only some sense of normality but again, a way to express themselves which was much needed in such unprecedented times.

Following the pandemic, it is essential that we support the arts as they supported us during a time of uncertainty, doing what we can to promote their benefits and encourage people to get involved. By attending MEPA Academy, students who wish to peruse this as career further down the line are given the necessary support not only required in order to prepare them for the industry but to uplift and push them to achieve their aspirations.

Physical Health

As students continue to progress in their training, they gain a positive outlook and understanding of how to look after themselves both physically and mentally in order to meet the requirements of Performing Arts. Dance has been proven to play a huge role in the health and well-being of the global population as it is a great source of exercise that is not just fun and engaging, but can really challenge and push you to achieve things you didn’t seem possible!

As mentioned however, students who take part in Performing Arts don’t just train in one discipline, but three! They are therefore required to sing, dance and act simultaneously, which if you haven’t tried… is very physically demanding!

Here’s a list of some of the physical benefits of Performing Arts:

  • • Boosts Cardiovascular health, muscular strength and endurance
  • • Promotes flexibility
  • • Reduces obesity
  • • Improves overall balance
  • • Challenges movement memory
  • • Improves coordination

Mental Health

In addition to the physical benefits, there are many mental health benefits of Performing Arts such as:

  • • Improved overall confidence
  • • Boosts social skills
  • • Increased general and psychological well-being
  • • Reduces stress and anxiety
  • • Enhances cognitive development
  • • Fosters creativity
  • • Develops social skills

In recent years the mental health of adolescents/children has declined overall, with statistics showing the prevalence of such issues rose by as much as 18% in some densely populated areas (Holst et al., 2023). Therefore, it is essential we do what we can to offer a place where students feel welcomed into a positive and supportive environment.

The safeguarding of all our students is paramount to us, our teachers are always there to support students and lift them up to their highest potential. They will always offer a listening ear and helping had within any issues our students may face and strive to have a positive impact of their mental health. We have a great faculty of staff on site at our Academy, all of whom value the well-being of each individual child.

Our cohort of students is small, which allows everyone to get to know one another, creating a close-knit community of people. This allows staff to work with and provide students support on a one-to-one basis and support each of them whole-heartedly on their individual journeys.


The last main benefit of Performing Arts is of course… FUN!

In all our classes, we strive for the highest standards, however on their journey we hope students will always find the element of fun in everything they do. We hope to provide students with core memories from their days of training before they enter the big wide world – whether this be from days in the classroom learning new things in exciting new ways or stepping out onto stages with bright lights shining down on them!

Overall, Performing Arts has countless benefits and hopefully this article has provided you with a better understanding of how being part of MEPA Academy could benefit your child.

If you’re interested in finding out more, why not give us a call to arrange a tour, where you can chat to our Principal, meet the faculty, view our facilities and gain on insight on the positive impact our school has had on our current students.

About the Author

Josie Parker - MEPA Academy

Josie Parker

Josie has trained in a variety of dance styles including Ballet, Tap, Modern, Jazz, varying contemporary techniques, street/commercial dance and heels. In 2019 she graduated from Canterbury Christ Church University earning a BA degree in Dance Education with First Class Honours and the award for best academic work.

Supporting qualifications include the University of the Arts London (UAL) Diploma in Performing and Production Arts, as well as all graded examinations in RAD Ballet. She has also performed in numerous shows across the country.

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